Shepherds don't make Sheep; Sheep make Shepherds

Social Consciousness developed concurrently with the cave art we see in thousands of miles of caves all over the world. There appears to have been an increase in the population of humans around the time the cave art started appearing. Some believe that the cave art was an attempt to start a type of "social consciousness", which included a reverence for certain species of animals with whom "early man" was somehow associated. Not all animals are represented. Many thousands of years later, many humans were still not considered "fully human". Our country was founded by slave owners. When Henry David Thoreau wrote "Walden" and "Civil Disobedience", the death penalty was enacted for harboring runaway slaves. Thoreau refused to pay a "tax" based upon his rejection of the authority of government to require him to pay a tax, not only due to their lack of recognition of the freedom of the runaway slaves, but also due to his lack of support for the "war" against Mexico, which he saw as nothing more than profiteering in the name of government. If that sounds "familiar", you might also recognize the stature of those who followed in Thoreau's footsteps: Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and many more of our modern "heroes". Yes, this IS part of Art, and a major part of social consciousness that every citizen of the world should be aware of and familiar with.

This page is also under construction and will move forward as a collaborative effort. It is important that we examine exactly who and what we are, if we are to be good human beings, let alone good artists.

There is a tendency for many Americans to ignore our beginnings, and therefore our progress over the past nearly two and a half centuries. Below is a link to a 2-page perspective that is my own, which is based upon a belief and a loyalty to both the founders of the country and the people who have helped it evolve. It needs a lot of work right now. But again, looking back, will help us immensely in the process of moving forward - as in any other aspect of life, love, art, religion or philosophy.
Striped Horse

Civil Disobedience P1


Hopefully, you have already had an introduction to this book. It might be time to read it again. I find that I find something new in it every time I read it again, which is roughly once every 2 or 3 years. Our world changes, and we need to look very clearly at where we have been, without illusions about our forefathers.

Certainly, if you haven't really read this book very closesly, you should read it again. Both Walden and Civil Disobedience were never more pertinent or more important than they are today. Look closely enough, and you will see US, today from a perspective that is almost as old as this country.
James Joyce - Portrait of The Artist as A Young Man
Another book that should be read closesly is a novel by Jack London, called "The Iron Heal". It was written in the early 1900's, but is a "futuristic" look at the U.S, based upon the way our government was originally founded, and the observations he could make as he saw it unfold early in the last century, when child labor was exploited. It is entertaining and thought provoking and you can read it here without "buying" a book. That is the way Jack London would have wanted it. Click the link below and I hope that it makes some things "click" for you in the world news today.

Read "The Iron Heel" below: It has MUCH to do with the troubles facing the entire globe, which crashed the World Economy in 2007. DON'T WAIT ! READ THIS NOW!

Jack London

Click Jack London's Image to READ "The Iron Heel". It IS "Wall Street Exposed" in a story. You can either read it free now or download it.